Lesser Known Facts World

20 National Birds of Different Countries

20 National birds of different countries

20 National Birds of Different Countries – The National Bird of a country represents the idea, culture, tradition, etc. That means it’s a symbol that reflects the country and what it stands for. So different country has different national birds. Some of them have historic believes, mythological ideas, cultural or traditional belief, or may be some other reason that has made that bird the National bird.

Here is the list of some national birds of different countries, check now

20 National Birds of Different Countries

1.Australia – Emu /Dromaius novaehollandiae
2.Bhutan – Common raven/ Corvus corax
3. Iceland – Gyrfalcon/Falco rusticolus
4. Armenia – Golden Eagle/Aquila chrysaetos
5. India – Peacock/Pavo cristatus
6. Israel – Hoopoe/Upupa epops
7. Finland – Whooper Swan/Cygnus Cygnus
8. Germany – White Stork/Ciconia Ciconia
9. Norway – Dipper/Cinclus cinclus
10. United Kingdom – European Robin/Erithacus rubecula
11. China – Red-crowned Crane/Grusjaponensis
12. Singapore – Crimson Sunbird/Aethopyga siparaja
13. Egypt – Golden Eagle/Aquila chrysaetos
14.New Zealand- kiwi(Apteryx mantelli)
15.Brazil – Rufous-Bellied Thrush
16.Indonesia – Javan Hawk-Eagle
17.Japan – Green Pheasant
18.Nepal – Himalayan Monal
19.Philippines – Philippines Eagle
20.South Africa – Blue Crane

20 National birds of different countries

ALSO READ : 10 National birds of different countries

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