Lesser Known Facts World

5 Stunning Animals That Have Multiple Heart

The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. It pumped oxygenated blood and nutrients to the body and took metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide to the lungs.

Maximum animals have only a single heart that circulates blood in the entire body through the blood vessels.

But some strange animals have more than one heart.

Here is a list of such animals.

Octopus- It has three hearts, two peripheral hearts, and one central heart. The peripheral heart pumps blood through the gills and picks up oxygen from it. The central heart circulates the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.

Squid- It has three hearts, one systemic heart two branchial hearts. The branchial hearts pump blood to the gills. Then the systemic heart pumped the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.

Hagfish-It has a primitive circulatory system consisting of four hearts. one serves as the main pump, while the other three serve as accessory pumps to circulate blood.

Cuttlefish-The cuttlefish has three hearts. Two will pump blood to its large gills and one heart will circulate the blood with oxygen to the rest of its body.

Earthworm- It is a terrestrial vertebrate. It doesn’t have a specific heart. Instead of the heart, they have aortic arches, which is connected with ventral and dorsal vessels to pump the blood.

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