Save Bees To Save The Planet Earth ; Here’s Why : In this environment, every single organism is interdependent with each other. Everyone plays a major role to maintain the ecological balance. This biodiversity treats everyone the same. Like others, bees are also a part of the diversity. They are the storehouse of honey and play an important role in pollen generation.
Save Bees To Save The Planet Earth ; Here’s Why
Other products like royal jelly, pollen, bee venom, propolis, and bee wax are also made by this tiny species.
Pollination is the most important thing for each living organism as bees play a significant role in the field of pollination. They take the pollen while taking the nectar from a flower and carried it with their legs which later. As per the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations report more than half of the world’s food production depends on bees.
Threat to Bees –
1. In the modern days we are applying modern technologies to fulfill our needs. But some of the techniques adding negative impacts on such animals.
2. The sounds and traditions coming from the mobile towers affecting the life of bees.
3. Due to temperature and increase in GHG affecting their habitats. Their population decreasing rapidly.
4. The air pollution also affecting the lives of bees. They are losing their natural ability to detect the plants where they can collect nectar.