The scientific fact behind Amla Navami
In India, Hindus celebrates the festival Aonla Nabami or Amla Nabami acroos the country. It falls in November which is considered the beginning of the Winter season.
This month is known as very holy per the Hindu culture. This month people do puja at the Amla plant or Gooseberry tree (Phyllanthus emblica). They took Amla fruit as prasad and offers to others.

Why is the Amla tree worshiped?
According to Hindu belief, Lord Krishna left for Mathura on this day. This was the day when Lord Krishna had left his pastimes and stepped on the path of duty. This tree is a symbol of Lord Shiva and Bishnu, so maa Lakshmi worshiped this tree.
But is there any reason behind this festival ? Let’s discuss this.
The scientific fact behind Amla Navami
As per the geographical area of India winter season usually starts at the beginning of November. With the sudden climate change, people suffer from fever, cold, and flu-like diseases. Some research says that: Amla is a good source of Vitamin C and it is rich in Ascorbic acid which is a good immunity booster and helps us to fight against cold, flu-like diseases.
Now compare this with Amala Navami, and connect the dots. How the Hindu festival has a deep scientific value and positive impact on our body. They took Amla and works effectively to boost their body’s immunity system. This is the beauty and value of Indian culture.