Best Nature Quotes by Sadhguru : Sadguru is a great spiritual guru and the founder of Isha foundation. He is a gem who always promotes many campaigns to restore nature and wildlife. He started campaigns like ‘Save Soil‘ , ‘Rally for Rivers’ and has spread the awareness across the globe.
Best Nature Quotes by Sadhguru
Here are some Nature Quotes by Sadhguru
‘The further we move away from nature , the further we move away from our own nature ‘
‘Ecological sustenance and the Inclusive nature of spiritual process are inseparable’
‘There is magic everywhere. If you learn how to live it , life is nothing short of a daily miracle’
If you see the uniqueness of all creation, love is the only way you will be”
‘We all come from the same soil, live off the same soil, and when we die, we are buried in the same soil. The question is only, will we get this point now, or when we are buried’
“It’s time to take what’s beneath our feet into our hands.” – Sadhguru.
Nature has given you a sense of individuality. But life does not happen as an individual. Life is happening as one whole.
NB : The above pictures are taken from the official page of Sadhguru