Nature Tourism Lesser Known Facts

Olive Ridleys Start Mass Nesting On Rushikulya Sea Beach

Olive Ridleys Start Mass Nesting On Rushikulya Sea Beach

Olive Ridleys Start Mass Nesting On Rushikulya Sea Beach : Annual guest of Odisha – Olive Ridley turtles, have started their mass nesting on Rushikulya sea beach in Ganjam district.

Olive Ridleys Start Mass Nesting On Rushikulya Sea Beach

A larger number of rare and endangered olive ridleys came to the bank of Rushikulya after some gap. They started nesting in the daytime- which is a rare thing to watch, as they prefer the night, to make a nest near the beach.

It’s a piece of good news not only for Odisha but also for many nature lovers and conservationists. These rare species need more attention and protection as there are many threats around them.

In the year 2022, more than 5,50,317 nests were cited in the Rushikulya river bank, which breaks the previous record.

ALSO READ : Olive Ridley turtles born in Odisha

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