Lesser Known Facts World

Rare Glowing Forest of India

Rare Glowing Forest of India

Rare Glowing Forest of India is present in Maharashtra and Goa of India. Mansoon in the Western Ghats brings to life the unique Mycena fungus. Thriving on rotting forest floors the fungus puts on a spectacular show of Bioluminescence, serenaded by the sounds of the forest looks similar to a fairy tale. But do you know what is the reason behind this?

Rare Glowing Forest of India

At the time of the monsoon season, you can see such things at the Bhimashankar Wildlife Reserve in Maharashtra and the Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary in Goa.

Rare Glowing Forest of India
At night there one can see a green glow on the surface that looks beautiful- this phenomenon is a rare thing to watch, lucky people may see this. The bacteria settle like fungus and glow in the dark. The entire forest glows but scientists are still searching for the reason behind this.

Ideal Time To Visit- The best time to visit these places is June-October.


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