Lesser Known Facts

How are earthworms important in farming?

How are earthworms important in farming?

How are earthworms important in farming? Earthworms play a crucial role in farming. They help improve soil health through aeration, enhancing nutrient availability in the soil.

Here are the details,

How are earthworms important in farming?

Soil Aeration: Earthworms burrowing activity helps to aerate the soil which helps the roots to grow deeper. It allows the plant to take proper water and nutrients from the soil.

Nutrient Cycling: Earthworms help to break down the organic matter present in the soil. These nutrient-rich castings help to increase the fertility of the soil.

Microbial Activity: Earthworm castings improve the microbial activity in the soil. It helps to increase the soil health.

pH Regulation: They also play a vital role in regulating the pH level of the soi.

Water Retention: Their burrowing creates more spaces inside the soil, which helps to retain moisture in the soil, benefiting crops during dry spells.

These factors make earthworms invaluable allies in sustainable agriculture, enhancing productivity and soil health.

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