How to Take Care of Lucky Bamboo Plant : Lucky Bamboo Plant is one of the top sell indoor plants. Starting from offices to home one can see this plant. Many people have this plant just to decorate their homes. If you are interested to make an indoor garden then this is the best plant that will enhance the beauty of your home.
But this plant needs some extra care and attention. Here are some tips that will help you to take care of your Lucky Bamboo Plant.
How to Take Care of Lucky Bamboo Plant
Use of Appropriate Pot: After buying the Lucky Bamboo Plant first chose a perfect pot, it may be a pot of transparent glass or plastic. The shape of the pot is just bigger than the size of the bamboo plants.

Watering: This plant needs a few amount of water to grow. Just take some water and add it to the pot. Always remembered not to add an excessive amount of water. It may damage the stem of the plant. Remove the water from the pot once a week and clean it well. You can spray water directly on the leaves. Filter your water and use clean water.
Avoid Direct Sunlight: Lucky Bamboo Plant needs almost no sunlight so do not place it there where there is direct sunlight. It will damage the plant. But try to place it in a place where indirect light is available which is good for the plant.
Do not use any artificial chemicals that are unnecessary and not required. Check the root part of the plant frequently. If any part is rotten then remove it immediately and clean the entire plant and pot, that is what must be required.