India Lesser Known Facts Nature Tourism

Lakhs of Olive Ridley Turtles Arrive at Odisha Coast For Mass Nesting

Lakhs of Olive Ridley Turtles Arrive at Odisha Coast For Mass Nesting

The mercury starts rising and the atmosphere gets warmer, It’s the time of the year when a huge number of Olive Ridley turtles reached Odisha’s Gahirmatha coast for nesting.

Olive Ridley
Olive Ridley

As per the government officials and IFS officers this year more than 2.45 lakhs of Olive Ridley reached after covering a distance of more than 1000 km.

Olive Ridley is one of the endangered species and they depend upon Gahirmatha and Rushikulya coast for their nesting and hatching.Image

The government of Odisha takes each and every possible step to safeguard and take care of this species. The concerned team is also ready to protect this species from hunters and animals.

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