Perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo found in China : A group of Chinese scientists declared about the discovery of a perfectly-preserved dinosaur embryo. They found this embryo from a fossilized egg in Ganzhou.
The specimen of the embryo looks similar to a chicken and scientists reckon planned to hatch the lake like a chicken. It is the most complete embryos of the dinosaur.
Scientists assume this embryo was between 72 to 66 million years old and they named it Baby Yingliang.
This seems like the embryo of a toothless theropod dinosaur or oviraptorosaur. The size of the egg is 7cm-long and 8cm-wide. The skeleton is about 24cm in length.
Baby Yingliang measures 10.6in (27cm) long from head to tail and rests inside a 6.7 inch-long egg at the Yingliang Stone Nature History Museum in China.
Dinosaur’s body parts have been covered by rock and researchers will use this for advanced scanning techniques to create an imaginary image of its full skeleton.