The city is no longer the home of Birds. We the humans changed everything for our needs and satisfactions. To live a peaceful and happy life we treated our surrounding very badly. Massive constructions, industries, increase in pollution have made the cities similar to a dead dumping yards.
The city is no longer the home of Birds
This not only affected humans but also affected other animals too. If you notice before a decade, city life is completely different – far better than today. Then, it is covered with green plants, less population, and fewer concert constructions too. But now it is completely different.
This change has made the life of a bird hell. They fail to survive in the concrete jungle. The beautiful sound of the birds no longer exists or almost became silent. For some decades the lovely sounds of the birds, and their presence have a special importance in the cities. But today most of the developed cities are no longer safe homes for Birds.
Due to the increase in temperature, the birds suffer from sunstroke in the summer days. The unbearable heat which increases sharply every year has affected the bird’s life very badly. Less availability of water sources made the bird’s life hell.
There are many reasons behind this, here are some of the possible reason
-Increase in Pollution
-Massive destruction of plants and less greenery
-Increase in Concrete Jungle
-Increase in Temperature
-Loss of Natural Habitat
-Cutting down of plants for industry and house
How to Restore :
The main and important step is to restore their natural habitat. Making a perfect city that is modern as well as environmentally friendly is a must required. In this 21st century, every developed city should focus on the environment too. Which ultimately helps the birds to come back to the cities, will stay there, and accept it as their home once again.