World India

The Climate Countdown – A book on climate change

The Climate Countdown

The Climate Countdown – A book on climate change : Climate change has now become the biggest threat for not only to humans but also to the entire living organism. An increase in pollution directly affects nature/climate and that leads to many changes in climatic structure and functions. In this period early action is required to face up to climate change by taking appropriate and imperative actions which are needed of the hour.

The Climate Countdown – A book on climate change

There are many possible steps by which we can reduce the harmful effects of climate change and save mother nature. 

Meet Dr. Sagar Pradhan, an it-professional cum social worker of Odisha, who has written a book ” The Climate Countdown” – the main theme of this book is How we can control climate change. Starting from the local level to the global level we can make it possible. It’s not only the responsibility of the government but the duty of every individual.

He also suggested various steps that will help to reduce pollution. The steps are: to reduce greenhouse gasses, use green energy instead of fossil fuels, and application of modern technologies to combat pollutions level.

I discuss the science behind climate change, its impact on our planet and future generations, and the urgent need for action. I hope this book will inspire readers to take action and make a positive impact on our world – Sagar Said

Where the book is available: The book is now available on Amazon and Kindle and is a must-read book for all.

Who is Dr Sagar Pradhan:  

Dr. Sagar Pradhan is an IT- Professional and an environmental activist. He has enough interest in nature and climate. He has donated 4 lakhs for plantation drives and won many awards and records too. In the year 2020, he was awarded the World Environment Day Hero by the UN organization.

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