Lesser Known Facts World

The heaviest animal to ever exist

The heaviest animal to ever exist

The heaviest animal to ever exist – Scientists have recently discovered an ancient, long-extinct whale species named Perucetus colossus, which is estimated to have weighed around 200 tones. 

Paleontologist unveiled that this species of whale may be 39 million years old and the heaviest animal ever seen on the earth. It breaks the blue whale’s record as the heaviest animal to have ever lived on the earth.

The heaviest animal to ever exist

The size of Perucetus colossus probably measured around 20 metres in length and weighed between 85 and 340 tonnes – as expected.

Excavations of the Perucetus fossils is still going on by the experts in Ica Province and Total 13 vertebrae, four ribs and a hip bone recovered. They are expecting more information may collected from the fossils in future. 

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