India Nature Tourism

The organic farming journey of Padmashree Sabaramati

The organic farming journey of Padmashree Sabaramati

The organic farming journey of Padmashree Sabaramati

BHUBANESWAR:In recent days we completely depend upon chemical fertilizers to do farming. To get more amount of crops we are using chemical fertilizers, and insecticides blindly, which not only damages nature but also affects our health too.

In this story, you will find how someone’s mindset and dedication helping nature as well as human beings. Inspiring many farmers on how to and why to select the organic method of farming.

Shri Radha Mohan & Ms. Sabarmatee
Shri Radha Mohan & Ms. Sabarmatee

While talking about Organic farming the name of late professor Radhamohan came first to our mind. Along with his daughter Sabarmati, they used to work in the field of Organic farming. Basically, they belong to Odisha where most of the people are farmers and a large area is used for cultivation.

To promote and develop the need for organic farming both of them established one organization named as ‘ Sambhab- which means possibilities in 1987.

The main aim of this organization was to train the farmers about organic farming, seed preservation, local seed, the importance of organic farming, etc. After the death of Radhamohan, his daughter Sabarmati leads the journey with full spirit and emotion.

Why we are using the word emotion? Read the full story
Her workstation is situated in Odogaon, being to Nayagarh district of Odisha. Where he converted unused land into a greener field.
Now they are doing cultivation around 90acrs of land and following the organic farming method. She got her training from Gloria Land Farm and now helping others.

professor Radhamohan
professor Radhamohan

Once upon a time, that land was completely bare and now golden grassland is shining and smiling full of greenery. The difference is just like hell and heaven. Nearly 550 types of rice, 100 types of vegetables, and many fruits, and flowers are cultivated there. Since 1992 Sambhab is conducting training programs on organic farming. Every year more than 2000 no of farmers take training.

With her great spirit and enthusiasm, she still continues her duty well. She is not only taking care of nature but also inspiring others too. Instead of using chemical fertilizers she is using natural manure and organic matters for cultivation.
For her great contribution, she was awarded the prestigious Padmashree award in 2020.

Such an inspiration we have ever seen, we the team Nature Speakz saluting her contribution and courage to do such a spectacular job for society.

Also Read :- Odisha farmer cultivated dragon fruit in his farmland

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