Lesser Known Facts

Top 15 facts about Earth

Top 15 facts about Earth

Top 15 facts about Earth

Earth – the only home to the living creature, the only planet in the globe where life is possibility. It is consists of various kinds of matter,  Starting from elephants to micro-organism like living organism and also non-living organism, one can find a large variety of things on the earth.

It has light, air, strong surface, soil and so many other life matters that made it a special among the planet ?

1. Earth is a Planet- As you know the Earth does not have it’s own light, it depends on the Sun/Moon to get light.

2. It is the 3rd planet of the solar system from the Sun. No one knows why we called earth as earth.

3.The length of the day is continuously increasing. In every 100 year the day time increased by 1.7 milliseconds.

4. The gravitational force across the earth is not same. It varies from place to place. This phenomenon is called gravity anomaly.

5.Instead of moon our earth has two other natural satellite named as 4R and 16R.

6.Earth’s core temperature is equal to Sun’s surface
Yes! the temperature of the surface of the earth is nearly equals to the temperature of the Sun’s surface.

7.Rise in Sea Level
Climate change is affecting earth a lot, the sea level could rise up-to 2.5 feet by the end of 2100!

8.Earth is Not Flat- Yes the shape of the earth is not flat. The actual
shape of the earth is ellipsoid,

9. The earth is 10,000 times older than the humans. Its age is 4.5 billion years.

10.Earth is Radioactive in Nature
As per U.S Geological survey the core of the earth produces heavy heat and it is due to the breakdown of the radioactive element like Thorium.

11. It is also called as a blue planet as 71% of the total area is consist of water body. And it looks like a
blue colure from the sky.

12. The outer core of the earth produces magnetic filed.

13. The mean radios of the earth is 6371.0 kms and Equatorial radios is 6378.137 kms.

14. The mass of the earth is 5.927*10 *24 kg

15. Maximum temperature registered is 14c and minimum is -89.2*C

Also Read : NASA released the first color image of the universe

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