Top Ten Monsoon Flowering Plant
The rainy season is the best time to plant trees. No need for watering, no need to take excess care, easy to plant, and easy to grow. That’s why the monsoon is considered the best time to plant. Monsoon is a perfect growing period to grow a lot of plants. Don’t miss the change and go for the plantation.
Here are some of the plants you can plant in your garden to make it beautiful.
1.Marigold- India’s top famous flowering plant, easy to cultivate, easy for watering in monsoon time. It is of several types based on color and type.
2.Zinnia- It is the most famous garden plant of India, due to its attractive color combination people always prefer this plant in their garden.
3.Portulaca- It is a low-growing annual flower plant having fleshy leaves. There are different colors of portulaca flower plants available. Easy to grow and easy to plant. You can plant it on your rooftops and in small pots.
4.Balsam- It has a very weak stem. There are different colors of balsam plants present. Easily can be grown in a pot. People use this flower for making “Mehendi” in their hands.
5.Cape Jasmine- Cape Jasmine is a white-waxy flower plant that is generally grown in the mid-spring season, but people plant this even in monsoon time.
6.Cosmos- It is a cup-shaped flower having 6-8 numbers petals, which will make your garden look beautiful in the monsoon. Easily you can grow it on the ground with no need for chemical fertilizers.
7.Sunflower- This is the most attractive flower plant that follows the path of the sun. There are different colored sunflower available in the market.
8.Purslane- A tiny flower plant that can grow in pots, window boxes, or on the ground. There are several colorful purslane plants available in the market or you can buy the seed from online stores.
9.Hibiscus- There are several types of hibiscus flower plants available. It will grow easily in the monsoon period. You can grow new plants from its branches.
10.Lotus- If you have a little pond inside your garden then you can grow this plant to make your garden more attractive and beautiful. Easily available in local markets where you can buy it.
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