Lesser Known Facts World

What is Crown shyness – Amazing Facts about Crown shyness

What is Crown shyness?

What is Crown shyness – the biggest confusion among wildlife lovers. Crown shyness is a naturally occurring phenomenon where the tops of fully-grown trees will avoid touching each other. This phenomenon is not rare and can be seen easily deep inside the forest region. One can see the canopy branches avoid touching their adjacent plant and there are many mechanisms behind this natural phenomenon.

What is Crown shyness – Amazing Facts about Crown shyness

Where it happens: It can be seen when large species of trees grow in a specific area. This forms a canopy with gaps that look like channels, preventing branches from covering other trees. There are many reasons behind this. Some of them are mentioned below

Social Distance to avoid disease: Many diseases can be transferred from one plant to another. So experts say that this natural social distance help to avoid diseases.

Role of Sun and Photosynthesis: As we know that plants grow towards the direction of light which is known as Phototropism. So in the case of tall plants in the deep forest area. plants get light on the top area of canopy branches. So the plants may keep a distance to get light. Which helps the plants to smoothly conduct the photosynthesis process.

Rule of Nature: Some also say that it is a part or rule of nature and many mechanisms create such natural social distance of the plants.

Ecological Interaction: Similarly ecological interaction is also the biggest factor. Plants stood with a certain gap and the canopy branches also follows the same rule. Which also helps them to get light, smooth passing of air inside the gap. What is Crown shyness?

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