Lesser Known Facts

What is the golden ratio in Nature

The Golden Ratio in Nature

What is the golden ratio in Nature – The Golden Ration in Nature is a cosmic constant term and is also called the Fibonacci sequence.

What is the golden ratio in NatureThe value of the Golden Ratio is 1.618 Φ, Φ- is a Greek letter “Phi” . It is used to calculate the mathematical connection between two aspects of an object.

The formula for the Golden Ratio – a/b = a+b/ a = 1.618 Φ

How it is calculated; The method of calculating is each number is the sum of two numbers preceded by that number. 

In the ancient period artists, designers, and scientists used this technique to make huge structures. It can be easily found on animals, plants, the universe, etc. 

Some of the examples- Flower petals , Seed heads, Pinecones, Shells, Spiral Galaxies, Fingers, Reproductive dynamics, Animal fight patterns, DNA molecules, etc

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